Now, listen to Einstein, would you?

The best kind of books give you a deeper understanding and make you think (Source). And, with better thinking, comes better answers to life. Yes?

My favorite place to get book inspiration is: Derek Sivers’ list.

I love reading non-fictions, and go through 100+ books every year. At any given time, I would be in between at least 5 books. It’s difficult for me to stick to 1 book and finish it before starting a new one, because:

  1. I like reading various books on the same subject, to compare opinions;
  2. I like subject variety. Thinking and reading about just one subject for too long gives me headache;
  3. Some chapters are just irrelevant, ok? I skip to the part that interests me the most and then circles back (or not).

My suggestions on which book to read: choose a subject and then pick your authors wisely. Reading a book is like having a conversation with the writer. As you know, it makes a big difference whom you are having a conversation with. There are authors I just could not stand. For instance, the writer for Elon Musk‘s biography. That writer is insufferable. I read the book because of my overpowering admiration for Elon Musk, but it wasn’t a pleasant “conversation” and I regretted my choice. (If you want to know more about Elon, read this and this instead.)

Right now, my on-going unfinished books include the following 7 (don’t judge me). These 7 authors are my heroes. I love them as people, not just in their writings. They show me how they see the world, console me on my life choices, and inspire me to get better. I am grateful.

  1. Geography of Genius, by Eric Weiner
  2. Mansfield Park, by Jane Austin
  3. SuperBetter, by Jane McGonigal
  4. I’m Not For Everyone, Neither Are You by David Leddick
  5. A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume
  6. What Do You Care What Other People Think by Richard Feynman
  7. The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler

What are you waiting for? Go read a book. Get some new perspectives. Have some fun with ideas and with your brain. Start with Sivers’ List or my list.